Posts Tagged ‘health coaching’
Increase your energy
Great energy levels are a much better reflection of our total health than weight.
Read MoreWhat’s Your WHY?
This is the thing I most want to know about when you come and talk to me about your goals.
Read MoreGut health and your weight, mood and immune system
A diverse mix of gut bacteria is the key to staying lean.
Read MoreHow sleep affects your weight
If you’ve been steadily gaining weight over the last few years and you’re re struggling with your weight loss efforts, maybe it’s time to consider how your sleep quantity and quality may be affecting you.
Read MoreShake it off
Taylor Swift was right. Sometimes we just need to shake it off.
Read MoreAvoid a meltdown at work
We all have those times at work, no matter how controlled and even-tempered we might normally be where something, or someone, becomes too much
Read MoreThe death of personal training
Does your old school PT punish you for your unhealthy sins?
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