Reasons to stop working so much
Working long hours is something that’s common in our society and often engrained in our workplace culture. Most people I know work more than the average 40hour week. The thing is though that for every hour you work over 40hours a week makes you less productive in both the short and long term.
So consider these reasons for working less:
Reduced productivity
Ford Motor Company did studies in the 1990s showing every additional 20 hours of work a week above 40 hours increased productivity for three to four weeks before it dropped off. Long work hours equals burn-out and eventually falling behind in duties.
Increased fatigue
Extended work hours over a long period of time increases fatigue. Symptoms include sleepiness, weariness, poor concentration, irritability and increased susceptibility to illness, all of which affect productivity and leads to making more mistakes. So stop and rest.
Higher safety risks
When fatigue increases and you become overwhelmed from long workdays, accidents and injuries are more likely to occur in the workplace.
Neglected social life
Extended work hours reduces quality of your life by conflicting with quality time for family and time for other responsibilities and needs outside work. Stop working long hours and get a life outside of work.
More stress
Long work hours are often at the expense of not only your family and close friends, but also your diet, exercise routine and sanity, placing more stress on your body.
Musculoskeletal damage
We’re made to move and repetitive work in sedentary or awkward postures increases risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders that damages muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Avoid extended work hours to give your body sufficient time to recover and repair.
Heart attack
The risk of heart disease increases by 67% for people who work long hours compared to people who work the standard 7-8 hours a day, according to The University College London.
Brain damage
The American Journal of Epidemiology, found middle-aged workers who work more than 55 hours a week have poorer mental skills, including short-term memory and reduced ability to recall words, than those who work less than 41 hours. The study suggests that prolonged time at work can cause long-term brain damage or dementia.
Risk of obesity
The University of Maryland School found demanding work schedules can contribute to obesity. You’re spending less time moving and more time sitting still and you’ll also be reduce the amount of time preparing meals, exercising and sleeping, which are risk factors for obesity.
Admittedly, some of these associations between extended work hours, health and safety concerns are not conclusive. However, you’ll be healthier, happier and more productive if you’re working 40hours or less a week.
I didn’t write this. I ripped it off from and paraphrased a little, but not heaps.